The Adventure Ready Academy

Online Fitness & Nutrition Coaching

Build a body that can take on any adventure with ease—with less time working out and more food freedom 🤘

Hey Adventurer

Fitness & nutrition advice can be confusing and conflicting, leaving you stuck with:

  • Stalled-out progress with your strength and endurance

  • A body composition that’s sliding the wrong direction

  • Poor mobility and nagging aches and pains

  • Low daily energy that’s making it hard to stay motivated or consistent

…and craving a solution that’s simple, holistic, and effective.

I get it.

You want a body that can keep up with your spirit.

  • You want to feel confident saying Yes to any adventure invite!

  • You want to lead the pack (or at least keep up with it) instead of wheezing in the back!

  • You want to feel like a supple leopard with strong yet buttery joints!

  • You want to know that your eating habits fuel your goals and your soul!

You want to know how you can maintain a resilient, healthy body that can keep adventuring YEARS from now…

But you’re not willing to:

😭 Live on rigid meal plans, cut out treats, or weigh food forever

🥵 Spend all your free time working out, leaving no room for play

🫠 Learn short-term solutions that rely on discipline and willpower

The Adventure Ready Academy

An online, year-long, small group program that helps you build—and keep!—the most powerful version of your body.

You’re done chasing the piecemeal quick fixes.

You’re ready for a complete, holistic solution that gives you:

Improved strength, endurance, and mobility so you can dominate any adventure and lead the pack.

Nutrition that boosts your performance and recovery, while also keeping you a sane and happy camper.

⚡ An athletic body composition (more muscle, less fat).

All-day, steady energy so you can enjoy your life outside of training.

Lifelong sustainability so you can whip all the youngsters and steal their glory when you’re 80.

Life’s too short to sit this one out.

Meet Your Coach

Hey fellow adventurer,

I’m simply a Millennial who’s spent my life trying to forge a body that can keep up with my penchant for adrenaline and mischief.

I also want a decently athletic body composition (more muscles plz) and the ability to EAT ALL THE FOODS.

Problem is, the exercise and nutrition that worked up to my mid-thirties just doesn’t do the job anymore, AND I’ve officially got less time, energy, and desire to dedicate my life to the pursuit of Gym.

I just want a simple training program that makes me stronger and fitter without exhausting me.

I just want to eat in a way that fuels my body, keeps my hedonistic inner child happy, and doesn’t require a bunch of mental effort.

So I created The Adventure Ready Academy, where the name of the game is helping rad humans become the fittest, strongest versions of themselves, all while having time and energy to go play and enjoy their lives. 

Because at the end of the day, isn’t that the point of it all?

Inside the Academy

  • Training Programs

    You need training that keeps you fresh for daily life and adventures.

    The Anti-Fragile Training Programs are designed to make your body powerful, balanced, and capable of anything.

    Without taking up all your time and energy.

    How we keep it simple & effective:

    ✔️ 3 adventure-optimized strength workouts/week

    ✔️ A daily movement target

    ✔️ Goal-specific conditioning

  • Nutrition Coaching

    Training won’t get you far if you don’t know how to sustainably eat for your goals.

    The Academy helps you build nutrition habits that fit your life and your preferences, without restriction, calorie counting, or meal plans.

    How we keep it simple & effective:

    ✔️ Eat enough of the nutrients your body needs to be strong and energized

    ✔️ Build a personal roster of goal-friendly foods and meals you love

    ✔️ Dial in the ratio of foods to support the body composition you want

  • Coaching Support

    Coach Mac holds you accountable to your goals, helps you implement new habits, and personalizes your training and nutrition to fit your needs through all seasons of the year.

    Plus you have the motivational firepower of your fellow adventurous teammates!

    How we keep it simple & effective:

    ✔️ Everything you need to know is in a short, self-paced course called The Resilient Body Roadmap

    ✔️ Coach will help you co-author the habits you’ll practice to get to your goals, and pivot as needed

    ✔️ Get continued live support, guidance, and accountability in the private Clubhouse

Academy Pricing

  • $425/month

    🔹 The Adventure Ready Academy: Online, year-long, small group fitness and nutrition coaching

    12 months of access to:

    ✔️ The Resilient Body Roadmap: Step-by-step path to your goals. ($3k value)

    ✔️ The Anti-Fragile Training Programs and Booster Programs: Build a powerful body in every plane of motion, specialize as needed. ($997 value)

    ✔️ Nutrition Coaching: Fuel like a champ and improve your body composition without restrictions. ($997 value)

    ✔️ Academy Clubhouse: Unlimited access to Coach, teammates, and bonus guides. ($600 value)

    ✔️ Weekly Small Group Coaching Calls: Look Coach in the eye and get personalized, human guidance. ($3k value)

    ✔️ 1-on-1 Live Training Assessment & Ongoing Form Feedback: Coach will make a plan for your imbalances so you can load movements confidently and stay uninjured. ($970 value)

    ✔️ Failure Is Not an Option Guarantee: ‘If you don’t achieve your goals by the end of this program, I will personally work with you one-on-one, for free, until you do.’ ($12k value)

    ☀️🍁❄️🌱 12-month commitment to see you through a whole year of consistent gains!

    ✅ Pay-in-full BONUSES:

    -Free bonus month in Academy (that’s a lucky 13 months!)

    -Free bonus 1:1 coaching session to use any time!

  • $725/month

    🔹 One-on-One Coaching PLUS The Adventure Ready Academy: 3 months of weekly 1:1 coaching, plus everything in the Academy for the full 12 months

    3 months of 1-on-1 weekly online coaching:

    ✔️ For those who want extra accountability or have a strict deadline for goals

    ✔️ Meet with Coach 1:1 on Zoom every week

    ✔️ Adjust training as needed and get form feedback

    ✔️ Create a personalized, flexible nutrition plan focused on sustainable habits

    ✔️ Continued support through the Academy to practice habits long term!

    ☀️🍁❄️🌱 12-month commitment to see you through a whole year of consistent gains!

    ✅ Pay-in-full BONUSES:

    -Free bonus month in Academy (that’s a lucky 13 months!)

    -Free bonus 1:1 coaching session to use any time!

Failure Is Not An Option

If you don’t achieve your goals by the end of this program, I will personally work with you one-on-one, for free, until you do.

Seriously. I’ll help you craft realistic goals and sane habits to get there, and then hold you accountable along the way.

So let’s friggin’ go!

 The Perfect Academy Trainee

  • You want to be able to DO more stuff, say YES to anything that tickles your fancy, and generally have the ability to PLAY HARD for as long as possible. This looks different for everyone, but the spirit of adventure is the common thread that unites us!

  • It’s ok if you like working out with people because it’s fun and social, but if you NEED other humans standing next to you in order to show up for a workout, the Academy doesn’t provide that. You’ll need to have, or be willing to develop, the ability to show up for yourself!

  • You have teammates here! While many of you are at different places in your journey and have slightly different goals, you’ll all be walking the same path together. If you’re not willing to share your wins, work through tough times with the rest of us, or encourage your teammates when they need it, you won’t experience everything this program has to offer.

  • Any coach can just give you advice. Hell, an internet search can do that. If you just want to get tips and tricks without changing how you live, seek elsewhere!

    The Academy is here to teach and support you while you sculpt all of your deeply held habits to bring you to your goals. When the change is from the inside out, by the time you get to your goals, you’ve already been living how you need to live to KEEP those results.

Common Questions

  • New adventurers are accepted on a rolling basis all year long, but capped at 3 per month to ensure they get coach’s undivided attention and support.

    The program is tailored to your needs and always accessible to you in the private community.

  • The Adventure Ready Academy requires a 12-month commitment.

    This is deeply intentional because building a powerful body AND the necessary habits to maintain it requires time and consistency.

    The person who only thinks of their health and fitness in shorts sprints will never be able to comfortably maintain what they build—The Academy is the antidote to the plague of short-term results.

    This is the last fitness and nutrition program you’ll ever need.

  • The Academy is an online program. Information, training programs, and team camaraderie are all inside the private Clubhouse app.

    You talk with Coach face-to-face via Zoom for 1:1 and group sessions.

  • Although the Academy is chiefly composed of women adventurers in their 30s and 40s, both men and women of all ages are welcome!

    You’ll talk directy with Coach Mac if your application is approved, where you can discuss any and all of your unique needs.

  • Constantly! You can ask your coach questions anytime in the community Clubhouse, you’ll have a 1-on-1 live assessment, and of course you’ll have the coaching calls, which are kept small and intimate, and will rotate times seasonally.

    This is a group program that is kept small and intimate with tons of one-on-one, personal attention from Coach.

  • Nope! You don’t even need access to a gym if you prefer to work out at home.

    For iron jungle veterans, you’ll be shown how to improve your form and unlearn years of improper technique—because there has yet to be an Adventurer who has perfect technique right off the bat ;)

    Your coach and the how-to videos will show you what to do, and you can always ask her for extra help. If you want to work out at home, you’ll only need minimal equipment that can easily be tucked away.

  • The goal of the Academy is to simplify and optimize your nutrition and training so that you have more time!

    Sure, there will be some up-front work when you first join, but every single workout and nutrition habit can be scaled or changed according to what YOU need any given day—after all, being able to pivot your habits is how you make real, jaw-dropping progress.

    Plus, don’t forget that the learning portion of this program is completely self-paced. You’ve got 12 months, so relax into the journey.

  • If you’re looking to see that scale number go down as fast as possible and at any cost, this is not the program for you.

    Trainees in this program absolutely experience positive body composition changes (more muscle, less fat), and they also have the option to focus on body composition in Physique Mode once they’ve mastered the essentials.

    Overall, this program is focused on making you feel powerful and confident in your body, and at ease with the healthy habits that will sustain that body for life.

  • Smash that Apply Now button and fill out an application that maps out your goals.

    If your application is approved by Coach Mac, she’ll let you know via email, then you’ll schedule a quick Zoom call to outline your personal journey in the Academy together.

    If that fits your needs, you’ll be sent a link to enroll at your leisure!

  • Those just trying to lose scale weight as fast as possible and are not interested in getting stronger or learning the skills and habits needed for sustainable body composition and performance.

    Those who only want to train for a bunch of one-off events and are uninterested in building a long-term plan for their health and resilience.

    Vegans or strictly plant-based dieters. This program utilizes the nutrient density of our ancestors, which includes animal products like meat, fish, eggs, and dairy (if tolerated). Lacto-ovo vegetarians, pescatarians, and recovering vegans are welcome!